Microsoft Github Acquisition

Posted on Jun 4, 2018


  • $7.5 billion is huge. A big part of that number includes value of open source projects. It is the open source projects that made Github what it is and brought the community together. Github made people recognize their potential, by having their work be shared and collaborated on an open, free platform.
  • $7.5 billion is huge. Microsoft paid good money for this acquisition. I do not know what the ultimate goal is here, but it is an investment into the future of Github, and I am cautiously optimistic - just like a lot of people.
  • $7.5 billion is huge. Github is built on Ruby on Rails, which is an open source framework. Github is a Hub for Git (get it!). Git is an open source version control system.
  • $7.5 billion is huge. A note on Ruby on Rails - It doesn’t matter what you use as long as you get the task done. In case of Github, it is Ruby on Rails. If you remember Trello ($425 million acquisition by Atlassian), its a jQuery Drag and Drop app. In the beginning, tools dont have to be the fastest. Tools have to just work. You can worry about speed later.
  • $7.5 billion is just huge. That is all.